Here you can find the answers to the questions we are most commonly asked, but if you have any doubts about our products, their use or simply want to satisfy your curiosity, don’t hesitate to contact us!
If you would like to test our products for a possible collaboration, please fill in the form HERE. Your profile will then be viewed by our communications department, which will contact you directly.
Gen-Hyal does not test on animals in compliance with European Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009, which prohibits the marketing of cosmetic products tested on animals.
By subscribing to our newsletter and following our social pages.
Instagram @genhyalskincare;
Facebook @genhyalskincare;
Linkedin @Prigen: Gen-Hyal Skincare;
TikTok: genhyalskincare.
If you would like to try all Gen-Hyal products, you can purchase our GEN-HYAL ESSENTIAL KIT, which contains 3 x 2ml/cad samples of all Gen-Hyal formulations, with the exception of BIOACTIVE LIP CARE, which you can find on sale individually in the products section.
The period of time within which the product, once opened, can be used safely is indicated by the PAO (Period After Opening). The PAO is expressed in months (x3 – x6 – x12 M) and is represented by a stylised image of an opened jar. The PAO can be found on every packet.
Online on our website and in pharmacies and parapharmacies on request.
You can contact us by email at: info@prigen.it or via our social channels: Instagram @genhyalskincare; Facebook @genhyalskincare; Linkedin @Prigen: Gen-Hyal Skincare and TikTok @genhyalskincare.
The full list of ingredients (INCI) can be found on each pack and online on the product page. On the website, each ingredient is linked to a specific page that will explain in detail what it is and what it is used for. Because for Gen-Hyal there is never anything to hide!